Sunday, 26 August 2012

research: media product analysis

We were told to evaluate different blogs. The basic idea behind this was to get a better understanding of what we are suppose to do.
The blog i decided to evaluate was:
After going through this blog what i generally realised was:
·         Blog needs to be updated regularly
·         Even the minutest detail about your project has to be posted. Eg in this blog that i evaluted the blogger has even talked of her group members. Their strengths and weaknesses.
·         A timeline is very important to follow. It sets as a track of what your doing and it gets very easy to manage work.
Ø  It was very evident that the blogger has done excessive research and planning. She has started the blog with describing the different genres that exist and the the code of conventions. This must have given her a frame. She must have known her limitation and the do’es and the dont’s.
Ø  Similarly she has posted relavent videos of stuff she likes eg:
This was her inspirational video. She had discussed about the shots she liked and the sound track that was used in this video.
Ø  After deciding what media product needs to be made, she carried out an extensive research of what actually that media product requires. The blogger made a short film. She has briefly described what a short film is and what things need to be kept in mind while making a short film.
Ø  Another very good point  about her blog was that she even carried out a research on the directors she liked.
Ø  She carried out research after every step. This meant it would have been very easy for her to se if the work she is doing or the product she is making will be liked by the target audience or not. Even while deciding on the genre of the media product and the target audience she carried out a research. Here’s the screen shot:

Ø  She has given referrence of almost everything she liked and whatever she has to use. As i said earlier, she concentrated on every little detail.
Few screen shots of this:

Ø  So finally came the evaluation part. She has talked of the different mediums she used to get audience feed back. Eg she has used youtube and blogger etc.
Ø  As a result of this evalution and the anaylsis of the blog i learnt alot. There were 2-3 concepts that in was not aware of eg:
·         Pitches
·         Graphic match
·         A match on action
·         The code of conventions of different  genres

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